RuangGuru community as a reflection of future learning in time of COVID-19

  • Maichel Chinmi Bunda Mulia University; SCOPUS ID 57218266989
  • Rustono Farady Marta Bunda Mulia University; SCOPUS ID 57209452707
  • Jesus Rafael Boado Jarata Don Mariano Marcos Memorial State University; SCOPUS ID 57208553023
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Keywords: COVID-19, RuangGuru Community, Social Action Media Studies, Reception Analysis


An effort to educate the people of a nation is a glorious educational goal, where intelligence is not only intellectually but a deeper meaning of intelligence itself. COVID-19 period is a genuinely uplifting meaning of the education itself. RuangGuru, an education-based application, provides solutions for Indonesians with free online schools. The researchers would like to see the shifting of meaning for a community who has used this application during COVID-19. The theory of Social Actions Media Studies was used to see the change in meaning. We also used the reception analysis method by Stuart Hall to classify the interviews' results into three categories, pro, contra, or neutral. The results indicate a shift in meaning due to the interpretation process by RuangGuru community, which is also influenced by local culture, on transition and future education is perceived.

Author Biography

Rustono Farady Marta, Bunda Mulia University; SCOPUS ID 57209452707


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How to Cite
Chinmi, M., Marta, R. F., & Jarata, J. R. B. (2021). RuangGuru community as a reflection of future learning in time of COVID-19. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 5(1), 92-109.