Diffusion and implementation of innovation in Binuang agricultural training farmer groups

To understand the Diffusion of Innovation and its impact on achieving organisational goals, this research investigates the utilisation of the D-Corp Division Model Based on Corporation, an innovative approach implemented within farmer groups and associations to establish the Division of Agricultural Training in Binuang. Employing a quantitative survey method, the study conducts regression analysis to ascertain the significance of relationships between variables. The findings reveal that the Diffusion of innovation variable demonstrates a significant effect on other variables, as evidenced by the tcount value (1.660) exceeding the critical ttable value (3.197) at a level of significance below the table score (0.002 < 0.05). Consequently, the initial hypothesis (a) is accepted, implying that the Diffusion of Innovation does not significantly influence the application of Innovation. On the other hand, the Innovation Variable exhibits a tcount value (5.003) more significant than the critical ttable value (1.660) with an influence score below the table score (0.000 < 0.05). Thus, the second hypothesis is accepted, indicating a substantial partial influence of Innovation on the application of Innovation in this study. Moreover, the Diffusion of Innovation and work innovation have a combined impact on the research data (0.000 < 0.05, Fcount = 34.663 > Ftable = 3.07). Consequently, Ha3 is accepted, signifying a simultaneous correlation between two independent variables: the innovation diffusion variable (X1) and work innovation variable (X2) concerning the application of innovation (Y) variable.
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