Quo vadis Indonesian public relations profession: dilemma on the rise of AI
The debate over AI has focused on its contrast with human employment. Simple perspectives are inadequate in public communication fields like Public Relations (PR). The conversation must shift from discussing AI's impact on human jobs to how AI will shape public communication as AI becomes more important in PR. To examine AI's effects on Public Relations, this study uses a literature review focusing on authority and public voice. Due to the risks of AI misuse, data discrimination, and data poisoning, public relations must carefully consider the implications of AI integration. Artificial Intelligence (AI) in Public Relations is studied using a literature review as its main method. Experts are consulted to identify AI's most significant challenges and opportunities in public relations. Public relations (PR) are affected by Artificial Intelligence (AI), which presents both opportunities and challenges. AI can boost public communication, but it also risks data misuse and discrimination. Ethical issues arise when AI represents the public's voice. This study provides useful insights into how Indonesia's Public Relations profession should approach Artificial Intelligence. PR professionals can overcome technical and ethical challenges and revolutionise public communication with AI integration. Therefore, ethical PR practice and the use of AI are becoming increasingly important.
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