Journal History


 This journal initially founded by Prof. Dr Sam Abede Pareno, a full-time Professor at the Faculty of Communications Science, Dr Soetomo University. He acts as the first Editor in Chief until he became emeritus in July 2017. 

 Dr Redi Panuju continues the role of Editor in Chief starting 2017 until January 2019.

 Since 2018, this journal adopts a new journal style with one column and new font to make it easy for reading through an online journal system, mostly read by iPad or another computer tablet. We start to publish 6 Regular Article and 1 Article based on Book Review.


 Starting in 2019, the Executive Editor of the Journal acts as Editor in Chief to take care of the journal flow.

 Since 2019, this journal adjusts to publish seven regular articles and no longer accept Article based on Book Review. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi Accredited by Minister of Research and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia, Directorate General of Research Strengthen and Development (Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemenristekdikti RI) Number  10/E/KPT/2019 as Ranking 2 (SINTA 2). 

Started Vol 3 Issue 3, 2019, JSK adopted the IMRAD model for Heading Style and Writing Publication following the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education regulations. 


In 2020, Jurnal Studi Komunikasi expanded the possibilities of being the Main leading of Communication Studies discussion in Southeast Asia and impacting more globally. Starting Vol 4 Issue 1, 2020, JSK published 15 (Fifteen) articles and welcoming new Editor from Romania, Argentina, and Australia.  


Dr Daniel Susilo promoted to serve as Senior Editorial Chief; meanwhile, Dr Nurannafi F. S. Maela took the daily editorial administrative and took the Managing Editor position.