Pengaruh Motivasi Kerja, Kompetensi, dan Kompensasi Terhadap Hasil Kinerja Pegawai Melalui Kepuasan Pegawai di UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis) Pembibitan Ternak dan Kesehatan Hewan di Madura

  • Johanes Satrijo Sigit Tjahjono Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Susanto S Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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The resources owned by the company will not provide optimal results if they are not supported by human resources who have optimal performance. The purpose of this study was to analyze the effect of work motivation, competence, and competence on employee performance through employee satisfaction at The Technical Implementing Unit of Livestock Breeding and Animal Health In Madura. The method used in this research is quantitative method research. This type of research is causality research. The sample in this study was 56 employees at The Technical Implementing Unit of Livestock Breeding and Animal Health In Madura using saturated sampling technique. The analysis technique in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis in this study prove that work motivation, competence, and competence have a significant effect on employee satisfaction. The results of the analysis also prove that work motivation, competence, competence, and employee satisfaction have a significant effect on employee performance.


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