Framing Analysis on Digital Marketing Communication and Promotion of High-Speed Train WHOSS

The WHOSS project is a significant government endeavour designed to revolutionise the perception of road journeys and public transport in Indonesian society. Nevertheless, there are reservations over the authoritative character of the material disseminated by, a news outlet affiliated with the government. This research seeks to perform a framing analysis of the digital marketing communication and promotion of the WHOSS project in order to uncover the underlying characteristics of positive news pertaining to the government. This study utilises a qualitative research design and incorporates framing analysis as its primary approach. The data were gathered from many digital marketing communication platforms and promotional materials associated with the WHOSS project. The analysis is grounded in the framing theory, which facilitates a more profound comprehension of how information is framed and its influence on the audience's perception. The framing analysis findings indicate that the government presents the WHOSS project in a very positive way in its digital marketing communication and promotional materials. The framing tactics employed in these materials have a tendency to highlight the advantages of the project while minimising any possible disadvantages. Moreover, the authoritative tone of the news provided by serves to strengthen this favourable portrayal, perhaps resulting in a biassed understanding of the initiative. This study offers significant insights into the utilisation of framing tactics in digital marketing communication and promotional materials pertaining to government initiatives. The results emphasise the necessity for a more discerning assessment of the framing methods employed in such materials, since they have the potential to greatly influence public opinion. The study further emphasises the significance of news media organisations in delivering impartial information to prevent the reinforcement of positive framing.
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