Analisis Kebijakan Kesejahteraan Guru Paud Dalam Meningkatkan Kualitas Guru Lingkungan Dikdisbud Situbondo
Considering the importance of psychological well-being in teachers and the potential of early childhood, researchers want to know the meaning of well-being according to early childhood teachers. It is hoped that an accurate description of well-being will help find factors supporting psychological well-being in teachers. The research objectives were carried out as follows: 1) To determine the implementation of PAUD teacher welfare policies in improving the quality of teaching staff in the Situbondo Regency Education and Culture Office, 2) To find out the factors that influence the implementation of PAUD teacher welfare policies in improving the quality of teaching staff in environment of the Situbondo Regency Education and Culture Service.
The type of research is descriptive qualitative while the data collection techniques are interviews and documentation. The location of the research will be carried out within the Situbondo Regency Education and Culture Service. Data analysis in this research is descriptive qualitative.
The results of this research are: 1) Implementation of PAUD teacher welfare policies in improving the quality of teaching staff within the Situbondo Regency Education and Culture Service, that there are 2 forms of policy for the welfare of PAUD teachers, namely providing incentives and professional allowances to PAUD teachers. 2) The factors that influence the implementation of PAUD teacher welfare policies in improving the quality of teaching staff within the Situbondo Regency Education and Culture Service are internal and external factors. Internal and external factors regarding PAUD teacher welfare policies, namely internal factors including the Central Government and Regional Government, in this case the District/City Education Office, and external factors of PAUD teachers themselves. Internal and external factors that influence the quality of teaching staff are internal factors including needs, goals, attitudes and abilities. Meanwhile, external factors are salary, safety and comfort of fellow workers, supervision, praise, and the work itself
Keywords: Analysis, PAUD teacher welfare policy, quality of teaching staff
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Peraturan Bupati Situbondo Nomor 53 Tahun 2022 Tentang Standar Harga Satuan Biaya Pemerintah Kabupaten Situbondo Tahun Anggaran 2023 tentang Biaya Bantuan Insentif Guru PAUD Kabupaten Situbondo
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