Evaluasi Kebijakan Peran Polres Bojonegoro Dalam Mencegah Terjadinya Perkelahian Kelompok Perguruan Silat Melalui Pembentuka "Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat"
The policy of the Bojonegoro Police in preventing fights between martial arts groups through the formation of the Bojonegoro Pesilat Village with this program is motivated by the many cases of fights between silat schools. The policy of the Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat program aims to ensure that martial artists in the Bojonegoro area can establish harmony and completely eliminate issues of physical friction. The aim of this research is to describe and analyze the data: 1) what is the role of the Bojonegoro Police in running the "Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat" forum in Bojonegoro Regency and 2) what is the impact of the existence of the "Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat" forum in providing a forum for silat college groups in Bojonegoro Regency. This research uses William N. Dunn's evaluation indicators. Then the second research focus is what is the impact of the existence of the "Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat" forum in providing a forum for silat college groups in Bojonegoro Regency. The results of this research are that the existence of the Bojonegoro Pesilat Village has had a quite good impact, although there is still a lot that needs to be improved. The program carried out by Bojonegoro Kampung Pesilat is to create a community service program carried out by all silat college groups. Then another program is holding joint training activities which in the end is followed by a friendly match. The existence of the Bojonegoro Pesilat Village is able to unite all silat school groups and become a forum for accommodating aspirations and a place for friendship so as to provide comfort for the people of Bojonegoro.
Keyword: Policy Evaluation, Silat College Organization
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