Implementasi Kebijakan Restorative Justice System Pada Tindak Pidana Penyalahgunaan Narkotika Di Polres Ngawi Provinsi Jawa Timur
Restorative Justice is an approach model that appears in efforts to resolve criminal cases. In contrast to the approach used in the conventional justice system which focuses more on the deterrent effect for the perpetrators of crime (woman offender), this approach focuses more on the direct participation of perpetrators, victims and also the community in the process of settling criminal cases. The basis of the perspective of restorative justice is that the concept of crime is an act that violates first and foremost the rights of individuals (ie victims of crime); in addition to violating society, the state and the interests of the violators themselves. So, every time a criminal law violation occurs, there are actually four related interests, namely the person who violates their rights (crime victim), society, the state, and the offender himself. The type of research that will be used as material for analyzing a phenomenon or event is to use a type of qualitative research. What is the focus of research in this research is how is the process of implementing the Restorative Justice policy on the crime of narcotics abuse at the Ngawi Police Station. Then the second research focus is what factors influence the process of implementing the Restorative Justice System policy at the Ngawi District Police. The restorative justice system effort is an approach that focuses more on the conditions for creating justice for the perpetrators of criminal acts and the victims themselves. The application of a restorative justice system cannot always be applied to all types of crimes.
Keywords: Policy Implementation, Restorative Justice System
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