Analisis Sibekisar (Sistem Integrasi Bersama Kinerja Implementasi Budaya Cettar) Dalam Mewujudkan Prinsip Agile Governance Di Provinsi Jawa Timur

  • Muhammad Amirul Mukminin
  • Sedarmayanti Fakultas Ilmu Administrasi, Universitas Dr.Soetomo Surabaya
Abstract views: 12 , Full Text downloads: 59
Keywords: Agile Governance, Performance, Performance Appraisal, Work Culture


The rapid development of technology encourages changes in every field
of government including public services, in order to realize good governance in
East Java, it is necessary to innovate in the performance assessment of
regional apparatus through the slogan of the spirit of regional development
through cettar. As an effort to improve the performance of the quality of public
services, it must be supported by the development of work culture to encourage
and accelerate changes in the mindset, attitudes and behavior of the state civil
This study aims to determine the integration system with the
performance of the implementation of cettar work culture (sibekisar) in realizing
the principles of agile governance in East Java Province. The theory used is
Luna's theory by applying 6 principles, namely good enough government,
business driven, human focused, based on quick wins, systematic and adaptive
approach, and simple design and continuous refinement. The research used a
qualitative approach, with an inductive descriptive method. The data collection
techniques used were observation, interviews and documentation. While data
analysis techniques use the Miles and Huberman model, namely data
reduction, data presentation and conclusion and verification.
The results showed that sibekisar was in accordance with the principle.
This is based on indicators that have been met and in accordance with current
conditions. Factors that hinder the realization of agile governance principles
include lack of awareness of regional devices, sectoral egos and no punishment
system. Therefore, the bureau of the regional secretariat organization of East
Java Province conducts more intensive socialization efforts, provides rewards
and punishments, and emphasizes the importance of collaboration between
regional officials


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Sumber Lainnya
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Ditjen Aplikasi Informatika
How to Cite
Mukminin, M. A., & Sedarmayanti. (2024). Analisis Sibekisar (Sistem Integrasi Bersama Kinerja Implementasi Budaya Cettar) Dalam Mewujudkan Prinsip Agile Governance Di Provinsi Jawa Timur. Soetomo Magister Ilmu Administrasi, 2(1), 149-162. Retrieved from