• Elleonita Dwima Pramesta Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Bambang Sigit Sucahyo Universitas Dr. Soetomo
Abstract views: 48 , pdf downloads: 229
Keywords: Eagle Flower; Rosella Flower; Natural dye


The telang flower is a monocot plant and has flowers that are blue, white and brown. Telang flower is a bisexual
flower (Hermaphroditus) because it has stamens (male genitals) and pistils (female genitals) so it is often referred
to as a perfect flower or complete flower whose function is as an ornamental plant because the telang flower is
an easily obtained material and contains anthocyanins, there are six, namely A1, A2, B1, B2, D1 and D2 with the
development of the pea flower era being used as a natural colorant in food or used as a drink. The part of the
roselle plant that can be processed into food products is the flower petals. The flower petals of this plant are dark
red, thick, and juicy. Rosella plant is also very good to be developed as a beverage raw material because it has
anthocyanin pigments in the form of flavonoids that act as antioxidants. This cyanine pigment forms an attractive
purple color in the rosella flower petals. Telang flowers and rosella flowers need to be processed into food
products that are more easily accepted by the community, namely by being used as natural dyes in yogurt.
Different types of natural dyes had a very significant effect on pH, TPT, antioxidants and had no significant effect
on total glucose levels. Different concentrations of natural dyes had a very significant effect on the value of pH,
TPT, antioxidants and had no significant effect on total sugar content. While the interaction between types of
natural dyes and different concentrations had a significant effect on the value of pH, TPT, total sugar content and
had a very significant effect on antioxidants in yogurt with P2K1 concentration with rosella flower natural dye
with a concentration of 5g which was the best treatment with the highest yield value (NH). 0.57 with the criteria
of the research variable taste = 5.6 (like), pH = 4.01%, sugar content = 17.72%, total dissolved solids = 13.53%,
aroma = 5.2 (somewhat like), color = 4.7 (slightly like), viscosity = 5.5 (like).

Author Biography

Bambang Sigit Sucahyo, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Prodi Teknologi Pangan Universitas Dr. Soetomo
