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Enzymatic hydrolysis of chitooligosaccharides can be carried out using the chitosanase enzyme. Chitosanase enzyme is a glycosyl hydrolase enzyme that catalyzes the hydrolysis of β- 1,4 glycosidic bonds of chitosan to produce low molecular weight chitooligosaccharides. The crab shell (Portunus pelagicus) has the potential to be used as chitooligosaccharides because the crab shell contains 20-30% chitin. This study aimed to determine the effect of chitosanase enzyme concentration and duration of hydrolysis on the characteristics of chitooligosaccharides (COS) from crab shells. This research was conducted using a factorial completely randomized design (CRD) method with two factors and two replications. The factor I was enzyme concentration (0.5%, 1%, and 1.5%), factor II was hydrolysis time (3 hours, 4 hours and 5 hours). The data were obtained using ANOVA if there was a significant difference, followed by Duncan's Test (DMRT). The best results were obtained in the A2B2 treatment, enzyme concentration (1.0%) and hydrolysis time (4 hours) with a chemical composition of 84.96% yield, 4.83 KDa molecular weight, 86.87% degree of deacetylation and FTIR test results indicated the availability of a functional groups, the OH group was obtained at a wavelength of 3624.25 cm-1 and the NH group is at a wavelength of 3404.36 cm-1.


Chitooligosaccharides, Chitosanase, Crab Shell, Hydrolysis

Article Details

Author Biographies

Mohammad Rafi Prasetyo, University Of National Development "Veteran" East Java

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering

Ulya Sarofa, University Of National Development "Veteran" East Java

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering

Rosida R, University Of National Development "Veteran" East Java

Department of Food Technology, Faculty of Engineering

How to Cite
Prasetyo, M. R., Sarofa, U., & R, R. (2022). Characteristics of Chitooligosaccharides Hydrolysate from Crab Shell (Portunus Pelagicus) Waste by Chitosanase Hydrolysis. Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech), 85-95.


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