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Chlorella vulgaris is one of microalgae types that has essential ingredients beneficial to
humans, such as being a source of good lipid. Chlorella sp. have high lipid content, up to
30%, under autotrophic conditions considered as a promising candidate for commercial lipid
production due to its fast growth and easy cultivation. High cell density sedimentation can be
investigated as a starving method in cultivation to make microalgae conditions less favorable
in obtaining nutrient to lipid accumulation. Starving is one of the stress conditions carried out
with the aim of reducing nutrients in the microalgae cultivation process. The aim of this study
was to determine the effect of high cell density on increasing lipid content in Chlorella
vulgaris. The results of this study showed that high cell density method affected the
productivity of Chlorella vulgaris biomass. The data obtained were analyzed using ANOVA
α=0.05. The highest productivity and lipid content was obtained from the control sample with
a biomass value of 0.36±0.03 g/l and a lipid content of 56.2±4.6% (P<0.05). The conclusion
of this study is high cell density may not increase the production of lipid content from
Chlorella vulgaris


Chlorella vulgaris high density lipid starvation

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How to Cite
Pamungkas, K. D., Anam, K., & Budiati, T. (2023). Effect of High Cell Density to Lipid Content Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on Photoautotrophic Cultivation: Effect of High Cell Density to Lipid Content Microalgae Chlorella vulgaris on Photoautotrophic Cultivation. Food Science and Technology Journal (Foodscitech), 6(2), 78-85.


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