Desain Geometri Jalan Lingkar Bandara Trunojoyo Kabupaten Sumenep

  • Ahmad Suwandi Universitas Wiraraja
  • Mohamad Harun Universitas Wiraraja
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Keywords: horizontal alignment, vertical alignment, Highway Geometry


Along with the development of community needs for transportation, transportation infrastructure is needed both on land, air and sea which must be met in order to facilitate the movement of traffic such as roads, airports and ports. One of the infrastructures built by Sumenep is Trunojoyo Airport and until now Trunojoyo Airport is still improving to provide optimal service, this is proven by the ongoing development by the airport. In the process of construction, there are roads that are closed because the road is in an ongoing development area, so that public traffic access is disrupted, this is a lot of complaints by the community because the mileage that must be passed increases, besides the costs incurred also increase. There needs to be a solution for the construction of a new road which is located not far from Trunojoyo Airport and can be used as a public road and access to the airport, where the condition of the location to be planned is a community rice field. The purpose of this research is to determine the road alignment and road geometry using the Bina Marga 1997 method. The length of the road segment is 1102 meters, the width of the road is 2 x 4.0 meters and the classification of the road plan is IIIA local road, flat terrain with a design speed of 50 km/h. From the analysis results obtained horizontal alignment consists of 2 Spiral-Spiral bends and 2 Spiral-Circle-Spiral bends, while the vertical alignment is planned to be flat (slope 0%).


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How to Cite
Suwandi, A., & Mohamad Harun. (2022). Desain Geometri Jalan Lingkar Bandara Trunojoyo Kabupaten Sumenep. Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan Dan Rekayasa Sipil, 5(1), 12-17.