Analisis Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan Pada Ruas Jalan Kh. Amin Jakfar Ditinjau Dari Arus Pergerakan Lalu Lintas

  • Ahmad Fatoni Universitas Madura
  • Dedy Asmaroni Universitas Madura
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Keywords: Analysis of Capacity, Volume, Service Level


Looking at the current condition of Pamekasan City, where the population is increasing every year, the increasing population growth has led to increased community activities and transportation activities. With these transportation activities, there is a movement of traffic flow. Where the movement of this traffic flow if it is not in accordance with the capacity of the road will result in congestion on roads and reduce the level of service on roads. Transportation is a very important and strategic element in supporting economic growth, as well as influence on almost all aspects of life. It also plays an important role in the equitable development of a region. then the traffic and transportation system must be arranged in a unified transportation system in an organized manner so that it can run well. Transportation can be said to be good if it is able to provide adequate services, travel is safe, comfortable, free from congestion and the possibility of accidents and has a short travel time. To achieve good transportation conditions, it can be seen from the factors contained in the transportation component, one of which is parking, parking is a phenomenon that affects the movement of vehicles when vehicles that have such a high intensity of movement will be hampered by vehicles parked on the roadside, causing congestion..This research was conducted on Jalan KH. Amin Jakfar Pamekasan City, Madura. This survey is only a sample conducted for 3 days a week, (starting at 06.00 am to 17.00 WIB) from this survey obtained traffic volume, degree of saturation, side barriers, and road capacity. In data processing carried out using the Manual method but still referring to the 1997 MKJI (Manual Kapasitas Jalan Indonesia)


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How to Cite
Fatoni, A., & Asmaroni, D. (2022). Analisis Tingkat Pelayanan Jalan Pada Ruas Jalan Kh. Amin Jakfar Ditinjau Dari Arus Pergerakan Lalu Lintas. Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan Dan Rekayasa Sipil, 5(1), 42-46.