Studi Durasi Waktu Proses Vacuum Test Berdasarkan Posisi Pelat Lambung Kapal

  • Maya Ode Duu Honggo Universitas Hangtuah
  • Tri Agung Kristiyono Universitas Hangtuah
Abstract views: 289 , PDF downloads: 1217
Keywords: BKI, Hull, Vacuum Test, Time Duration, Walk-through surveys, Linear Regression


Based on BKI regulations regarding experiments on new building ships and ship repairs, a tightness test on the hull, especially the hull below the water line, must be carried out using a vacuum test. Vacuum test is one form of method to test the tightness of welded joints on the ship's hull. The process of testing the vacuum test carried out in various positions on the hull of the ship will of course have a different duration of execution time. This study aims to determine the duration of the vacuum test process on the ship's hull based on the position of the test. The method used in this research is to conduct a walk through survey to observe the process of implementing the vacuum test and to measure the time of the implementation process in several areas or positions on the hull of the ship. Based on the data analysis and discussion that has been carried out, the longest vacuum test preparation process occurs at the 90º position, which is 90 seconds with the equation Y = 0.009X2 – 0.5764X + 68.12. The core process occurs at the 0º position, which is 21.1 seconds, with the equation Y = 20,559 – 0.0481X and in the finishing process the longest vacuum test occurs at the 90º position, which is 68 seconds, with the equation Y = 0.009X2 – 0.5764X + 68.12.


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How to Cite
Duu Honggo, M. O., & Kristiyono, T. A. (2022). Studi Durasi Waktu Proses Vacuum Test Berdasarkan Posisi Pelat Lambung Kapal . Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan Dan Rekayasa Sipil, 5(2), 111-117.