Kualitas Sumber Air Baku Sungai Mangetan Kanal-3 Untuk Ketersediaan Air Bersih

  • Suning Suning Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
  • Sugito Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya
  • Ardian Amirullah
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Keywords: Availability of clean water, quality, quantity, continuity, source of clean water


  The development of the quality and quantity of clean water is one of the environmental infrastructure developments that needs attention, because it is one of the most important resources for the community. Water is all water contained in and derived from water sources both above and below the ground surface. This study aims to determine the existing condition of raw water sources and provide policy direction for the raw water sources of the Mangetan River Kanal-3, Gedangan District for the availability of clean water. The method used is descriptive quantitative with laboratory analysis techniques and AHP (process hierarchy analysis). Data collection was carried out by taking water sample points from the Mangetan River Kanal-3, secondary data and in-depth interviews with the Irrigation Service and communities around the river. The results showed that the Mangetan River Kanal-3 with Color parameters and E-coli still did not meet the quality requirements for raw water sources. As for the parameters of acidity (PH), temperature, turbidity, and odor from laboratory test results, they meet the quality requirements for raw water sources. The main policy priority directives implemented for the availability of clean water from the raw water of the Mangetan River Kanal-3 are to pay attention to the quality, continuity and quantity of water. The policy implication obtained from this research is how the community protects the environment by not throwing garbage or other waste into the river so that the river can be used as raw water for the availability of clean water and meets the criteria for clean water according to quality standards.

Author Biography

Suning Suning, Universitas PGRI Adi Buana Surabaya


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How to Cite
Suning, S., Sugito, & Ardian Amirullah. (2023). Kualitas Sumber Air Baku Sungai Mangetan Kanal-3 Untuk Ketersediaan Air Bersih. Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan Dan Rekayasa Sipil, 6(2), 126-129. https://doi.org/10.25139/jprs.v6i2.6753