Since 2018, this journal adopts a new journal style with two column and new font to make it easy for reading through an online journal system, mostly read by iPad or another computer tablet. We start to publish 7 Regular Article.
Dwi Muryanto, a full-time Lecturer at the Civil Engineering, Dr Soetomo University. He acts as the first Editor in Chief. Maulidya Octaviani Bustamin as a Managing Editor.
Starting in 2019, the Executive Editor of the Journal acts as Editor in Chief to take care of the journal flow.
Since 2019, this journal adjusts to publish 7-8 regular articles.
Ge-STRAM adopted the IMRAD model for Heading Style and Writing Publication following the Indonesian Ministry of Research and Higher Education regulations.
Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Accredited by Minister of Research and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia, Directorate General of Research Strengthen and Development (Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemenristekdikti RI) Number 85/M/KPT/2020 as Ranking 5 (SINTA 5).
Our First Editor in Chief, Mr. Dwi Muryanto Rest in Peace in November 2020. Maulidya Octaviani Bustamin continues the role of Editor in Chief starting December 2020. Nurul Jannah Asid as a Managing Editor/ Executive Editor.
In 2020, Ge-STRAM published 8 articles regulary.
Since 2021, this journal adjusts to publish 8-9 regular articles with new template.
Since 2022, Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil, published 9 articles regulary from outside Unitomo University and we apply for reacreditation
Our respective writers, readers, editors, and reviewers, since Mid April 2022, we are facing several cyber attacks related to database hacking. Due to this, some server data was damaged or lost, namely, data entered after November 2th, 2021. We work hard to ensure your convenience and smooth access to our journals. Accordingly, we are currently maintenance to our journal. All requested revisions will be contacted individually by our responsible Editor. Related issues should be addressed to our email: [email protected]
We appreciate your understanding of this inconvenience.
Since Issue Volume 05 Nomor 02, publish September 30th 2022 this journal adjusts to publish with new template, displays when the journal was sent, received, and published, also displays DOI in the page footer.
Starting 12nd December 2022, Ge-STRAM: Jurnal Perencanaan dan Rekayasa Sipil Accredited by Minister of Research and Higher Education, Republic Indonesia, Directorate General of Research Strengthen and Development (Direktur Jenderal Penguatan Riset dan Pengembangan Kemenristekdikti RI) Number 204/E/KPT/2022 as Ranking 4 (SINTA 4)
Since 2023, this journal adjusts to publish 10 regular articles with new template, 1 new reviewer, and 1 new copy editor.
Nurul Jannah Asid, who was previously appointed as Managing Editor was accepted as an ASN at another campus until the publication of Volume 07 Number 01. Consequently, Maulidya Octaviani Bustamin, who acts as Editor-in-Chief and Managing Editor/Executive Editor since publication of Volume 07 Number 02.
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Ge-STRAM (Geotechnics, Structure, Transportation, Water, Construction Management) is one of the journals published by the Civil Engineering Department of Dr. Soetomo University, which was established in March 2018. The journal publishes twice a year in March and September, containing 8 articles for each issue. All of the articles in this journal registered with unique DOI, provided by Crossref. This journal presents scientific articles on the results of research, scientific studies, analysis and critical review of the problems closely related to the field of civil engineering. The manuscript will be received by the editor to be assessed for the feasibility and technical substance of its writing by Bestari Partners and the Board of Editors. The editorial board is authorized to accept or reject the submitted manuscript. |