Real-Time Telemetry Data Monitoring System on Soil Movement of Railway Tracks

  • Railway Electrical Engineering Indonesian Railway Polytechnic
  • Electrical Engineering, Sultan Agung Islamic University
  • Railway Electrical Engineering Indonesian Railway Polytechnic
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Keywords: Monitoring, Telemetry, Real-Time, Land Shift


A telemetry data monitoring system is needed to monitor land shifting. This system consists of an ATMega328 microcontroller, a Linear Variable Differential Transformer (LVDT) and a rheostat, an accelerometer sensor, a rain gauge tipping bucket, and the HC-12 radio telemetry module. Normally, the LVDT reads the land shift in the 0-20 mm range, the Rheostat is capable of shifting up to 66 mm, the accelerometer sensor reads less than 20 deg of data, and the rain gauge tipping bucket sensor creates the amount of rainfall below 50 mm/hour which is then sending real-time data regularly for 24 hours. The buzzer installed in the field will sound if the LVDT reads land shift more than 30 mm, Rheostat more than 51 mm, and the accelerometer sensor reads data more than 45 deg; also, the rain gauge tipping bucket sensor reads more than 70 mm/hour. This test creates parameter data. So that shift data can be monitored.


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