Early Detection of Overheating in Motorcycle Disc Brakes Based on Arduino

  • Informatics Department, Universitas Dr. Soetomo
  • Informatics Department, Universitas Dr. Soetomo
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Keywords: Early Detection, Disc Brake, MLX90614, Temperature Sensor, Arduino


The braking system is very important on a motorcycle. The primary function of the braking system is to slow down and even stop the motorcycle. The braking system using disc brakes on motorcycles is commonly used today, especially on automatic transmission motorcycles. One of the disadvantages of disc brakes is the heat caused by the disc's friction with the brake pads if you apply continuous braking. This continuous braking is often done by a motor rider when crossing downhill roads in mountainous areas. Excessive heat in the disc brakes causes the brake fluid to boil, resulting in air bubbles resulting in braking failure. The failure of the braking system on a motorcycle is hazardous for the rider and others. The experimental method detects braking system failure by catching the disc brake's temperature with a touchless temperature sensor, MLX90614. Temperature detection is processed with Arduino as a control, and the temperature is displayed on the LCD. If the disc brake temperature is above 200oC, a buzzer is activated as a warning to the driver. The test results show that the system can display a temperature reading on the LCD lower than the thermometer gun, with the most inferior reading difference of 0.2oC and the highest 0.4oC. The system can also display notifications to users on disc brake temperatures above 200oC, namely at temperatures of 211.1oC, 224.3oC, and 237.5oC, which were achieved at 200, 225, and 250 seconds.

Author Biography

, Informatics Department, Universitas Dr. Soetomo

Field of expertises:

  • Intelligence System
  • Expert system
  • Decision Support System
  • Digital Engineering
  • Hardware

Scholar Profile 


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