Usability Analysis of Website-based Applications by Adopting User Satisfaction Models
Technological developments in supporting and assisting all human work activities are felt to be equally beneficial. Shirouoshien is a business that is engaged in commerce and offering products that it sells to its customers. Shirouoshien uses a website-based application to promote products more efficiently. Evaluation of the shirouoshien application aims to find out how the usability of the website is for users. In general, the criteria that determine that a website is usable (has a high level of usability) is if users can find and get what they need and understand from the Shirouoshien website. The main problems to be examined in this study then the problem will be broken down into several. The main issues need to be considered in the usability analysis of website-based applications, variables that influence user acceptance of the application in the usability framework, and factors that describe the acceptance and use of website-based applications. In general, through analysis of the usability aspect in the next development plan framework, this application still needs further improvement and development to meet customer needs regarding products and product promotion. The results and general discussion through usability aspect analysis in the next development plan framework still need further improvement and development to meet customer needs related to products and product promotion.
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