Smart Greenhouse Coffee Dryer with Fuzzy Algorithm on Internet of Things Platform

  • Dodit Suprianto Information Technology, Informatics Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang
  • Muhammad Taufik Prayitno Information Technology, Informatics Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang
  • Luqman Affandi Information Technology, Informatics Engineering, State Polytechnic of Malang
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Keywords: Internet of Things, Coffee Beans Dryer, Fuzzy Sugeno, Smart Greenhouse, NodeMCU


Coffee is a major commodity of the Indonesian plantation industry. One of Indonesia's lack of competitiveness in the international market is the low quality of coffee beans. This is because traditional farmers still use conventional methods for drying. The undried coffee cherries can damage the quality of coffee beans. Based on these problems, the researchers made a Smart Greenhouse dryer using the Internet of Things Platform. The Internet of Things is used to allow it to be monitored remotely in real-time. Temperature and humidity data in the greenhouse will be analyzed using a fuzzy algorithm. Actuators use the fuzzy output results to control the temperature and humidity of the greenhouse to reach the ideal drying conditions. The perfect drying temperature enables coffee cherries to achieve a moisture content of 12.55% within 14 days. Data on average temperature and humidity per day will be recorded and calculated to determine when the coffee cherries are ready for the next stage. The system can also calculate estimated days based on moisture content. With this, the drying of coffee cherries will be optimal and get the water content of the Indonesian National Standard to increase the quality and selling price of the coffee beans. The results show that Smart Greenhouse can be controlled remotely via the website. The integrated Sugeno Fuzzy algorithm keeps the greenhouse at the ideal drying temperature. Test results show that Smart Greenhouse can reduce the water content of coffee cherries 7.4 days more efficiently than conventional drying methods.


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How to Cite
Dodit Suprianto, Muhammad Taufik Prayitno, & Luqman Affandi. (2022). Smart Greenhouse Coffee Dryer with Fuzzy Algorithm on Internet of Things Platform. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 7(1), 1-8.