Implementation of Android-Based Parking Management Applications

  • Anang Pramono Department of Technical Information, 17 August 1945 University Surabaya
  • M. Ali Shodikin Department of Technical Information, 17 August 1945 University Surabaya
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Keywords: Parking Management, Real-Time, Parking Order, Rapid Application Development, System Usability Scale


Parking problems are one of the problems faced in every city, especially in big cities. The availability of limited parking spaces and the unavailability of a parking system that can support the ease of parking management are essential things that must be found as the best solution. The parking application developed can provide information easily. In addition, parking users also get convenience in placing orders, extending time, or canceling. The parking system can provide comfort for parking management to manage parking areas with an efficient system, not only in terms of information but also in terms of payment, by utilizing digital payment methods. The parking application developed based on Android is an alternative that provides user-friendly solutions and parking management. The application has worked well based on trials with various scenarios, both normal scenarios (without cancellation or without extension) and testing with abnormal conditions. From the usability test of 40 respondents with ten questions from the SUS method, an average score of 76 was obtained.


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How to Cite
Anang Pramono, & M. Ali Shodikin. (2022). Implementation of Android-Based Parking Management Applications. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 7(1), 81-87.