E-Greengrocers: A Mobile Information System for Supporting Business in The Traditional Market

  • Dhiani Tresna Absari Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Surabay
  • Liliana Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Surabay
  • Bambang Prijambodo Informatics Engineering Department, Universitas Surabaya
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Keywords: Itinerant, Greengrocers, Covid-19, Application


The covid-19 pandemic has affected many sides of human life. World Health Organization (WHO) and health sectors worldwide have suggested physical distancing to battle the pandemic. The physical distancing is causing many adjustments in the business implementations. For rural developing countries, grocery shopping at itinerant greengrocers may increase the risks of infection because there are direct interactions between the seller and the buyer and the habit of shopping in a crowd without concerning the physical distancing protocol. E-Greengrocers application is proposed as the innovative approach to help the traditional market support their activities with fewer contact interactions. The application is projected to facilitate a safe transaction between greengrocers and their buyers. This research was developed using the waterfall methodology and descriptive case study. Observations and the distribution of questionnaires among the itinerant greengrocers and buyers are used as a tool to obtain the necessary data. The questionnaire result shows that all users were satisfied with the features provided. More than 61% of users perceived it helpful, and 30% found it very helpful.  The features facilitated minimum contact on transactions and maintained sustainable income from the itinerant's greengrocers’ point of view.


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How to Cite
Absari, D. T., Liliana, & Bambang Prijambodo. (2022). E-Greengrocers: A Mobile Information System for Supporting Business in The Traditional Market. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 7(2), 120-124. https://doi.org/10.25139/inform.v7i2.4674