Analysis and Design of User Interface and User Experience of Regional Tax Enterprise Resources Planning System with Design Thinking Method

  • Vicky Ardian Subarjah Informatics Department, Widyatama University Bandung
  • Ari Purno Wahyu Informatics Department, Faculty of Engineering, Widyatama University Bandung
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Keywords: User Interface, User Experience, Design Thinking, Enterprise Resources Planning, Figma, Regional Tax


Regional Tax is one of the main sectors of independent income owned by each City or Regency to fund infrastructure development, education development, health services, and much more. The government agency that manages this regional tax is Badan Pendapatan Daerah, abbreviated as Bapenda. In particular, the West Bandung Bapenda has not implemented an online-based Regional Tax service system. This management system cannot be developed, and taxpayers have no independent account management. The appearance and user experience of the existing system has not matched the current design trends and the latest organizational structure. This greatly obstructs the services of Bapenda to taxpayers due to the lack of digital transparency. The system's flow is quite convoluted, thus affecting the quality and slow access to information. These limitations will be resolved through structured research using the Design Thinking and Usability Testing method for testing so that later it can be translated into an Enterprise Resources Planning system design with a good User Interface / User Experience. This method is structured following five phases: empathy, define, ideate, prototype, and test. The empathy phase aims to understand user problems, the define phase identifies and maps problems, the ideate phase aims to generate ideas, the prototype phase aims to implement the design based on the results of the previous steps, and the test phase aims to test the user. The final phase is the test phase and aims to test the user. The results obtained after applying this method follow user expectations.


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How to Cite
Subarjah, V. A., & Ari Purno Wahyu. (2022). Analysis and Design of User Interface and User Experience of Regional Tax Enterprise Resources Planning System with Design Thinking Method. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 7(2), 96-106.