Analysis of the Implementation of the SALAMAN Application by using Government Adoption Model (GAM)

  • Meilani Kesuma Nababan School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung
  • Rio Guntur Utomo School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung
  • Muhammad Faris Fathoni School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung
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Keywords: Government Adoption Model, GAM, SALAMAN Application, e-Government, Structural Equation Modelling, Public Service Application


The city of Bandung is one of the cities that has implemented e-government in government affairs in Indonesia. The government launched an integrated service application called Done in the Hand (SALAMAN) to improve public services in Bandung. This application service will make it easier for residents and immigrant residents who want to take care of population administration in Bandung. However, the biggest obstacle to using this new system is coming from the community itself. This study aims to determine the level of public acceptance of the new system using the Government Adoption Model (GAM) method and then determine the variable factors that influence the level of acceptance of the E-government application in Bandung. Questionnaires were distributed via Google form to collect data from residents of Bandung, regardless of whether or not they used the application. Four hundred participants participated in the study, making up the sample size for this research endeavor. The method used for the data analysis is the Structural Equation Modelling Partial Least Square (SEM PLS). According to the study's findings, the degree to which the society approves of the application is proportional to the degree to which the application provides good value to the society of Bandung City. A good application assessment based on the application user's positive feedback shows the extent of community approval for e-government services. The percentage of an evaluation carried out using the GAM also depends on the respondents' answers to all of the variables, which, on average, yielded a score of 78.40%, meeting the "good" requirements. The implementation of the application shows that the higher users' positive feedbacks, the higher users' intention continue using the application.


Author Biographies

Meilani Kesuma Nababan, School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung



Rio Guntur Utomo, School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung



Muhammad Faris Fathoni, School of Computing Information Technology, Telkom University, Bandung




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How to Cite
Nababan, M. K., Utomo, R. G., & Fathoni, M. F. (2023). Analysis of the Implementation of the SALAMAN Application by using Government Adoption Model (GAM). Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 8(2), 154-168.