Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Isyarat Berbasis Android

  • Universitas Dr.Soetomo Surabaya
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ABSTRACT- Sign language is a language that does not utilize voice in communicating, but utilizes manual communication, body language, and lip motion. Currently, the desire to communicate with people with hearing impairment is still hampered by the lack of general knowledge about sign language, while the media to learn sign language still uses a thick dictionary that can be said to be less practical in its users. The Android-Based Gesture Language Learning App has been able to provide basic knowledge to vocabulary in learning sign language. From the results of acceptance tests that have been done, the response of the respondents recorded a percentage of 60% said that the application has been able to provide basic knowledge in the process of sign language learning. Another 20% said that the application has been very capable, while the remaining 20% said that the application has been quite able to provide basic knowledge to the vocabulary in the process of learning sign language. With the creation of this Android Based Gadget Learning Approach, it has the advantage of making it easier for users to learn two sign languages of Indonesia, both SIBI and BISINDO sign language systems.


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How to Cite
(2016). Aplikasi Pembelajaran Bahasa Isyarat Berbasis Android. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 1(2). https://doi.org/10.25139/inform.v1i2.849