Development of Information Systems Using Extreme Programming Method

  • Universitas Palangka Raya
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The development of information technology can now be maximally utilized to support the business processes of organizations and companies. This study aims to design information systems effectively and efficiently, thus helping the business processes of a company. PT Pahandut Langkah Jaya is a company engaged in the procurement of goods, services and construction which in its business process still uses manual methods and has not been fully integrated so that a computerized information system design is needed. This study used Extreme Programming (XP), a software development method that is flexible to changes in plans amid the development process with stages of exploration, planning, iteration, production and maintenance. The results of this study are in the form of design and needs analysis of a company system that is integrated with every part of the company and can be a reference for further software development.


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How to Cite
(2018). Development of Information Systems Using Extreme Programming Method. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 3(2), 95-99.
Volume 3 No. 2 2018