The Effect of Public Service Delivery on Export Import Business Satisfaction Through Customs Declaration Online at The Regional Office of The Directorate General of Customs and Excise Jatim I Surabaya

  • M Nadjhan
  • Sukesi
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Keywords: Implementation of Public Services, Satisfaction of Import Export Entrepreneurs, Customs Declaration Online


The government as state administrator is responsible for the smoothness, safety and comfort of the
export and import activities carried out by these importers and exporters. The government forms agencies to
manage export-import activities, one of which is the Directorate General of Customs and Excise (DJBC) to be
able to provide services in export and import activities properly. The purpose of this study is to analyze The
Influence of the Implementation of Public Services on the Satisfaction of Export-Import Entrepreneurs Through
Customs Declaration Online At the Regional Office of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise East Java
I Surabaya. The population in this study were 112 entrepreneurs using a census sampling technique.
Implementation of Public Services direct influence on Customs Declaration Online Office The area of the
Directorate General of Customs and Excise East Java I in Surabaya. Based on testing the assumption model
which states that the Implementation of Public Services with an estimated regression weights value of
0.0906735, standard error of 0.1093197, critical ratio (t-table) of 2.9991174 then a significance value of
probability (P satisfaction of import-export entrepreneurs Office The area of the Directorate General of Customs and Excise
East Java I in Surabaya. Based on testing the assumption model states that the Implementation of Public Services
with an estimated regression weights value of 0.3349295, standard error 0.1813753, critical ratio (t-table)
1.8466100 then probability significance value (P- .05. Customs Declaration Online has a
direct effect on the Satisfaction of Import Export Entrepreneurs Office The area of the Directorate General of
Customs and Excise East Java I in Surabaya. Based on the testing of the assumption model, it states that the
Implementation of Public Services with an estimate regression weights value of 3.2489903, a standard error of
3.6187443, a critical ratio (t-table) of 2.8978226 then a probability significance value (P-value) of
ervices for the satisfaction of import-export entrepreneurs at the
regional office of the East Java Directorate General of Customs and Excise I Surabaya through Customs
Declaration Online.


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