The Effect of Work Motivation, Competence, and Compensation on Employee Performance Results Through Employee Satisfaction in UPT (Unit Pelaksana Teknis/Technical Implementation Unit) Livestock Breeding and Health Animals in Madura

  • Johanes Satrijo Sigit Tjahjono
  • Susanto Sukiman
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Keywords: Work Motivation, Competence, Employee Satisfaction, Employee Performance


Abstract. Resources owned by Government Agencies will not provide optimal results if they are not supported
by human resources who have optimal performance. The purpose of this research is to analyze the effect of work
motivation, competency, and competency on employee performance results through employee satisfaction at
UPT Livestock Breeding and Animal Health in Madura. The method used in this study is a quantitative research
method. This type of research is causality research. The sample in this study were 56 employees at UPT
Livestock Breeding and Animal Health in Madura using a saturated sampling technique. The analysis technique
in this study is Partial Least Square (PLS). The results of the analysis in this study proved that work motivation,
competency, and competence have a significant effect on employee satisfaction. The results of the analysis also
prove that work motivation, competency, competence, and employee satisfaction have a significant effect on
employee performance.
Keywords: Work Motivation; Competence; Employee Satisfaction; Employee Performance


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