What Leads to Counterproductive Work Behavior? Predicting The Effect of Resistance to Change

  • Miftachul Mujib Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Masitha Fahmi Wardhani Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
  • Rudi Kurniawan Universitas Dian Nuswantoro
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Keywords: resistance to change, information of change, counterproductive work behavior, MBKM Curriculum


There is still limited literature on organizational change management that focuses on examining the impact of resistance to change on deviant work behavior. This study examines the effect of resistance on changes in counterproductive work behavior. Change information is proposed as a moderating variable in the effect of resistance on changes to counterproductive work behavior. This study took a population of lecturers in the context of organizational change in higher education institutions with the establishment of the MBKM Curriculum as a substitute for the previous curriculum. Data were obtained from a sample of 156 using a random sampling technique. Data analysis used the SEM-PLS technique with the Warp-PLS application. The study results prove that resistance to change has a positive effect on counterproductive work behavior. However, the study results contradict the second hypothesis, where the moderating effect of change information is positive. These results contribute to developing organizational change management literature that has not been studied before by providing evidence that resistance to change can lead to counterproductive work behavior. The results of this study also explain the need for organizations to deal with resistance to organizational change shown by employees so that it does not lead to behavior that is detrimental to the organization, such as counterproductive work behavior


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