Effect of Using GLCM and LBP+HOG Feature Extraction on SVM Method in Classification of Human Skin Disease Type

  • Friska Eka Khoirunisa Informatics Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
  • Novrido Charibaldi Informatics Department, Universitas Pembangunan Nasional Veteran Yogyakarta
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Keywords: Human Skin Disease, LBP, HOG, GLCM, SVM


Skin diseases have been ranked third out of ten diseases suffered by outpatients in many hospitals in Indonesia. The public often underestimates these diseases because they are considered not to cause death. In general, dermatologists diagnose skin diseases using the biopsy process, but the biopsy process is quite expensive and can cause injury to the skin. Each skin disease has different texture and shape characteristics, so classification can be used to distinguish the type of skin disease. This study compares LBP+HOG and GLCM feature extraction with the SVM classification method to determine the best feature extraction in skin disease classification. This research compares GLCM and LBP+HOG feature extraction using the SVM method. GLCM is used to measure the relationship between pixel intensities in the image, while LBP+HOG combines information about the texture and shape of the image. The test results show that the GLCM feature extraction method with SVM classification achieves an accuracy of 74%. In this test, the parameters C=100 and the features used are homogeneity, contrast, energy, correlation, ASM, and dissimilarity. Meanwhile, extraction with LBP+HOG resulted in an accuracy of 68%.


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How to Cite
Eka Khoirunisa, F., & Charibaldi, N. (2024). Effect of Using GLCM and LBP+HOG Feature Extraction on SVM Method in Classification of Human Skin Disease Type. Inform : Jurnal Ilmiah Bidang Teknologi Informasi Dan Komunikasi, 9(2), 145-150. https://doi.org/10.25139/inform.v9i2.8275