• Airlangga University
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This research was conducted at PT PX, which is a state-owned company in Indonesia appointed to
produce and distribute subsidized fertilizers. PT PX is facing the risk of being diverted from fertilizer subsidies
by the Government. To deal with this risk, PT PX has prepared a strategy that is to increase sales of non-
subsidized fertilizers and non-fertilizer products. However, the sales performance of non-subsidized fertilizers
and non-fertilizer products did not reach the target as expected. The author wants to examine whether the
sales target is not achieved due to salesperson’s ability. In addition to ability, sales performance is also
influenced by sales behavior done by salesperson, one of which is adaptive selling behavior. Therefore, this
study was conducted to determine the ability possessed by salesperson at PT PX on sales performance through
their adaptive selling behavior. This research was conducted using partial least square analysis techniques.
The results of this study indicate that the salesperson's ability has a significant effect on salesperson's
performance through adaptive selling behavior.


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