Evaluasi Pelaksanaan Projek Profil Pelajar Pancasila Di Sman Kabuh Kabupaten Jombang
Evaluation of the Implementation of the Project to Strengthen Pancasila Student Profiles at Kabuh State High School, Jombang Regency.Independent curriculum is a curriculum that can be applied or implemented from now on to the future by schools.
At Kabuh State High School in 2022/2023 Implement the Project to Strengthen the Pancasila Student Profile which is part of the Merdeka curriculum, 1 ). Sustainable Lifestyle Theme. 2) Wake up the body and soul, 3) Entrepreneurship.
To be better, each project needs evaluation and evaluation which is carried out by researchers using the Samodra Wibawa theory, namely
Explanation. Through evaluation, the reality of program implementation can be photographed and a generalization can be made about the patterns of relationships between the various dimensions of observed reality. Obedience. Through evaluation, it can be seen whether the actions taken by the actors, both the bureaucracy and other actors, are in accordance with the standards and procedures set by the policy.
audits. Through evaluation it can be seen whether the output actually reaches the policy target group
Accounting. With an evaluation it can be known what the socio-economic consequences of the policy are.
Based on the results of the evaluation, there must be a follow-up plan in order to improve the project
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