Public relations' robot: utopia or reality?

  • Dendi Pratama Politeknik Bina Madani
  • Mateo Jose A. Vidal Loyola University Andalusia
  • Dade Prat Untarti Universitas Halu Oleo
  • Dian Wardiana Sjuchro Universitas Padjadjaran
  • Rahmatiah Universitas Negeri Gorontalo
Abstract views: 364 , PDF downloads: 319
Keywords: artificial intelligence, disruption, mediamorphosis, public relations, technology


In 2023, AI has become an integral part of daily life, swiftly embraced in both developed and smaller countries. This research focuses on raises the question: is AI a utopia or an inevitability, given the disruptions it brings to the digital landscape? Using Roger Fidler's mediamorphosis analysis, this research suggests that AI leans more towards a utopian outlook, where its disruptive impact allows for critical evaluation. The study aims to understand AI's value and conceptualisation in society. By recognising AI's transformative influence, this research contributes to the discourse by highlighting its potential as a utopian force while acknowledging its inevitable role in shaping the future.


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How to Cite
Pratama, D., Vidal, M. J. A., Untarti, D. P., Sjuchro, D. W., & Rahmatiah. (2023). Public relations’ robot: utopia or reality?. Jurnal Studi Komunikasi, 7(2), 369 - 382.

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