The Role of Competence, Work Discipline and Work Environment Improving Employee Performance in Cooperatives in Jember Regency

  • Nurul Qomariah Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
  • Nuriesty Putri Utamy Faculty of Economics and Business Universitas Muhammadiyah Jember
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Cooperatives are one of the privately owned enterprises that also participate in driving the national
economy. This research was conducted at cooperatives throughout Jember Regency and had the aim of
being the first to test and find out the effect of the work environment (X) on work discipline. The second
goal is to test and find out the effect of work discipline (Z) on employee performance, and the last goal is
to test and find out the effect of the work environment (X) on employee performance (Y). The population of
this research is all employees of cooperatives operating in Jember Regency, totaling 1488 employees. The
sample size was determined using the Slovin formula and the sample size was 315 respondents. The
sampling technique is to use probability sampling with the technique taken, namely proportional sampling for each active cooperative. Data analysis used included: descriptive analysis, analysis of validity and reliability tests, and analysis of hypotheses, all of which were processed using Partial Least Square (SEMPLS) with the Warp PLS 6.0 program. After being analyzed using Warp PLS, the findings of this study are that competence has an impact on employee performance. Meanwhile, work discipline has an impact on employee performance at cooperatives in Jember Regency. The work environment has an impact on
employee performance. Thus, the first hypothesis is accepted. The second hypothesis is accepted while the third hypothesis is accepted.
