The Effect of Employee Competence and Internet Use on Job Satisfaction at Galuh Book Store in Sidoarjo

  • Alif Azharuddin Zuhdi STIE Mahardika Surabaya
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Competence is an important thing that must be possessed by every employee. This is because competence does not only cover knowledge but also relates to one's ability to solve problems and be creative. With the development of the era leading to the digitali era, employees are expected to be able to use the internet to develop businesses, one of which is a bookstore. The ability to develop itself using the internet not only shows the benefits of an organization but will be self-satisfaction Therefore, this study aims to determine the effect of competency and internet use on employee job satisfaction. The method used in this study was a quantitative descriptive analysis with a sample of 40 people at the Galuh bookstore in the Sidoarjo area, namely Brigjen Katamso, Tropodo and Wadung Asri. Based on the results of the study indicate that the two variables have an influence on employee job satisfaction. This is shown from the value of T. Count > T. Table and F. Count > F. Table. With these results, it can be concluded that competency development in internet use needs to be continuously developed so that employees can experience optimal job satisfaction so as to reduce employee turnover and out of the organization.
