Inovasi Pelayanan Administrasi Kependudukan Melalui Aplikasi Klampid New Generation (Kng) Bagi Rt Rintisan Kalimasada
(Study Di Kelurahan Rungkut Tengah Kecamatan Gunung Anyar Kota Surabaya)
Improving public services carried out by the Regional Government, for example implementing several applications to make it easier for the public to process the documents needed, such as the City of Surabaya which has the klampid application which can be used directly by residents or heads of RTs to make it easier for the community to take care of some of the required population documents. This is also implemented by the Rungkut Tengah sub-district in improving services to residents. This research aims to describe the innovation of population administration services through the KNG application for RT Rintisan Kalimasada and to describe the increase in the performance of population administration services with the KNG application innovation in Rungkut Tengah sub-district, Gunung Anyar District. The formulation of the problems in this study are (1) How is the innovation of population administration services through the KNG application for RT Kalimasada RT and residents in the Rungkut Tengah sub-district, Gunung Anyar District? (2) How is the performance of population administration services improved with the KNG application innovation in Rungkut Tengah sub-district, Gunung Anyar District?.
The results of this study are that the KNG application provides many advantages for the Kalimasada Pioneer RT and also the residents of Rungkut Tengah sub-district. The use of the KNG application is very effective and efficient because residents can process residence documents quickly, anytime and anywhere and reduce transportation costs incurred by residents, the KNG application is compatible with the needs of population documents needed by residents. This application is able to fix the lack of population administration services in the Rungkut Tengah sub-District, the KNG application is quite simple and does not have any complications that can complicate the Kalimasada Pioneer RT and residents of the Rungkut Tengah Sub-District. This application also has a simple system with clear flowcharts and requirements and can monitor the progress of its completion so that it is easily understood by the Kalimasada Pioneer RT and also the residents, the KNG application is able to become a performance benchmark because this application reflects the performance carried out by Rungkut Tengah sub-district and Kalimasada Pioneer RT . There is an increase in the performance of population administration services after using KNG where the service is better and faster than before.
Keywords: Public Service Innovation, KNG, Rungkut Tengah Sub-district
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