Evaluasi Strategi Percepatan Penurunan Stunting Di Kabupaten Situbondo
Situbondo is one of the districts that belong to the Priority Stunting Intervention Locations category. Based on the Survei Studi Gizi Indonesia (SSGI) Prevalence of the Situbondo in 2022 was 30.9%. There is regional autonomy, giving authority to the community to regulate and implement various policies to be implemented in its territory. The stunting decline policy in Situbondo refers to the 2022 Stunting Regulation No. 45 on the Acceleration of Stunting Decrease and the convergence of stunting programs. This research aims to evaluate the strategy implemented by the local government to accelerate the reduction of stunting in Situbondo. Research Methods in this research was Qualitative Research. In this study, the researcher used two data types: primary and secondary. Primary data was obtained using guidelines for interviews with three officials of government agencies in Situbondo related to stunting programs in the district. Secondary data is collected with a review of documents. The theory used in strategy evaluation refers to Fred R. David's approach to assessment, which covers three fundamental strategic evaluation activities: 1) re-evaluation, 2) performance measurement, and 3) strategy control. The research results show that the strategy carried out by Situbondo district has reduced the number of stunts despite the difference between SSGI data and data on the month of weighting. That's 7,08% by 2022.
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