
Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan Has Been Accepted and Indexed by Sinta


Dear Authors, Reviewers, Editors, and Readers of the Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan

We are sincerely grateful and proud to announce that Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (P-ISSN 2581-2033 | E-ISSN 2580-9113) as of October 15th 2024 has been accepted and indexed by Sinta, through the Decree of the Director General of Higher Education, Research and Technology of the Ministry of Education, Culture, Research and Technology of the Republic of Indonesia Number 177/E/KPT/2024 concerning Scientific Journal Accreditation Rankings for Period II of 2024, starting from Volume 5 Number 1 of 2021 to Volume 9 Number 2 of 2025.

Therefore, considering the high interest of readers and researchers, and in order to improve the quality of the journal, as well as to be able to contribute thoughts not only in the national scope but also internationally, starting in 2025, Lex Journal will be published three times a year (March, July, and December), and starting Vol. 8 No. 1 this journal only publishes articles in English, with the number of publications around 7-10 articles per edition.


Fathul Hamdani
Editor Lex Journal : Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan

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Current Issue

Vol. 9 No. 1 (2025): (In Progress)


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The Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan (ISSN Print 2581-2033, ISSN Online 2580-9113) is a double-blind peer-reviewed law journal and scholarly journal with a national and international outlook, published by the Faculty of Law University of Dr. Soetomo. Lex Journal is a scholarly publication dedicated to exploring critical issues and developments in the field of law and justice. The journal serves as a platform for academics, legal professionals, and researchers to share rigorous analyses, contemporary perspectives, and innovative research on a wide array of topics within the legal realm. These include but are not limited to constitutional law, criminal justice, human rights, international law, legal theory, and jurisprudence. The journal aims to foster scholarly dialogue on the role of law in promoting justice, protecting individual rights, and shaping public policy. Through articles, case studies, essays, and book reviews, Lex Journal seeks to contribute to the global discourse on legal reform, social justice, and the rule of law, making it a vital resource for those committed to advancing legal scholarship and practical application in the pursuit of a just society. Whether addressing contemporary legal challenges or historical legal frameworks, Lex Journal stands as a bridge between academic theory and practical law, encouraging readers to reflect on the evolving justice landscape. It is published thrice a year in March, July, and December. A related purpose is to provide a systematic review of important initiatives for the development of law and legal practice. The Lex Journal: Kajian Hukum & Keadilan publishes cutting-edge legal scholarship by both academics and legal practitioners. Established in 2017, the Journal finds its roots in a desire to propose constructive, well-reasoned reforms in all areas of the law.

 Journal title Lex Journal : Kajian Hukum dan Keadilan
 Initials Lex Journal
 Language English (preferred)
 ISSN p-ISSN 2581-2033 | e-ISSN 2580-9113
 Frequency Thrice [March, July, and December]
 DOI Prefix 10.25139 by
 Editor-in-chief Fathul Hamdani, S.H., M.H ||||
 Publisher Faculty of Law, University of Dr. Soetomo
 Citation Analysis Google Scholar

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